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HAMILTON-C6。 下一代智能 ICU 呼吸机


我们的智能 ICU 呼吸机。下一代

  • 配备所有最先进的通气模式和疗法
  • 适用于所有病人群体
  • 具有广泛的诊断工具
  • 峰值流量 260 l/min

我们的智能 ICU 呼吸机。 下一代

  • 配备所有先进的通气模式和疗法
  • 适用于成人、儿童和新生儿病人组
  • 具有广泛的诊断工具
  • 峰值流量 260 l/min

在大屏幕上。 重要通气数据一目了然

  • 17 英寸可拆卸式触摸屏
  • 可配置屏幕设置
  • 超过 50 个监测参数
  • 72-小时趋势图

嘘! 不要唤醒您的病人

平均噪声 35 dB,它是我们最安静的呼吸机。


保证持久耐用。 我们的高性能涡轮

凭借强大的涡轮,此 ICU 呼吸机完全独立于高压空气出口和外部压缩机。这可最大程度提高灵活性,让您可以在医院里自由走动。 我们也在 HAMILTON-C6 呼吸机的预期使用期限内对涡轮提供质量保证。


湿化器控件和状态。 呼吸机显示屏上

从呼吸机显示屏上舒适、直接地操作 HAMILTON-H900 湿化器。 HAMILTON-H900 与呼吸机同步,并根据通气模式自动选择湿化模式。


极度独立。 无压缩空气且由电池供电

  • 高性能涡轮
  • 一块电池续航时间通常 1.5 小时,两块电池 3 小时
  • 两个氧气瓶支架

全局数据。 适用于 PDMS、监测和 EMS 的综合连接解决方案


越快越好。 早期活动

凭借高性能涡轮、电池、紧凑设计和先进的通气模式,HAMILTON-C6 还在病人旁边帮助病人期初下床活动。

探索 3D 模型

从各个角度发现 HAMILTON-C6,点击热点,以了解更多信息。


  • 标配
  • 选项
  • 不可用
病人组 成人/儿童、新生儿
外形尺寸(宽x深x高) 423 x 250 x 415 mm(监视器)
360 x 250 x 394 mm(呼吸机主机)
640 x 560 x 1400 mm(含台车)
重量 监视器(交互面板)(不含固定架):7.8 kg(17.2 磅)
监视器(含固定架):10 kg(22 磅)
呼吸机主机(含固定架):10.5 kg(23.2 磅)
呼吸机主机、监视器和台车:46 kg(101 lb)
监视器尺寸和分辨率 431.8 mm(17 英寸)对角线
1920 x 1200 像素
电池运行时间 一块电池 1.5 小时
两块电池 3 小时
气源 集成涡轮,保修期为 HAMILTON-C6 呼吸机的预期使用期限
O2 接头 DISS (CGA 1240) 或 NIST
连接 3 个 COM 端口、2 个 USB 端口、DVI、护士呼叫器端口
音量 37 dB(在正常运行情况下)
肺复张性评估和肺复张 (P/V Tool Pro)
人机同步 (IntelliSync+)
CPR 通气
Hamilton Connect 模块
远程连接至 HAMILTON-H900 湿化器
集成 IntelliCuff 气囊压力控制器
集成 Aerogen 雾化器
与 Sedaconda ACD-S 麻醉剂输送系统的兼容性
Dr. João Alves


One of the pearls of these ventilators is the interface. I think the interface of the HAMILTON-C6 has a completely new level of monitoring capabilities.

Dr. João Alves

Intensivist, Internal Medicine and Emergency Department since 2018
University Hospital Center Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal


ASV® - Adaptive Support Ventilation®。 适用于全天候适应

根据病人的肺力学指标和呼吸用力,ASV 通气模式每天 24 时从插管到拔管连续调整每次呼吸时的呼吸频率、潮气量和吸气时间。


INTELLiVENT-ASV 智能通气模式持续调整病人的通气和氧合状态。

它根据临床医生设定的目标值和病人的生理输入设置分钟通气量、PEEP 和氧浓度。

IntelliSync®+。 适用于人机同步

IntelliSync+ 通过每秒数百次波形持续分析波形,能够立即检测病人用力和循环,并实时启动吸气和呼气。

IntelliSync+ 适用于有创和无创通气,无论采用哪种通气模式。

P/V Tool®。 适用于肺评估和复张

您可以使用 P/V Tool 评估肺复张性和确定肺复张策略。


跨肺压监测。 适用于内部见解

跨肺压监测可优化 PEEP、潮气量和吸气压力(Baedorf Kassis E, Loring SH, Talmor D. Should we titrate peep based on end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure?-yes.Ann Transl Med. 2018;6(19):390. doi:10.21037/atm.2018.06.35104​).

将其与 P/V Tool 配合使用可评估肺复张性和执行肺复张术。

远程湿化器访问。 便于使用

通过独特的呼吸机连接选项可以直接从呼吸机的显示屏上操作 HAMILTON-H900 湿化器(HAMILTON-H900 不适用于转运。e)。您可以访问所有控件、监测参数和报警,并根据需要予以调节。


集成雾化器。 适用于额外治疗


集成同步 Aerogen 雾化系统作为一个选配件提供 (并非在所有市场均有提供a​, 仅适用于 HAMILTON-C6/G5/S1b​)。

输送药物气溶胶粒子的细水雾有助于您恢复支气管痉挛、提高通气效率和减少高碳酸血症 (Dhand R. New frontiers in aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation.Respir Care.2004;49(6):666-677.100​, Waldrep JC, Dhand R. Advanced nebulizer designs employing vibrating mesh/aperture plate technologies for aerosol generation.Curr Drug Deliv.2008;5(2):114-119. doi:10.2174/156720108783954815101​)。

Integrated IntelliCuff®。 适用于控制气囊压力

IntelliCuff 可实时对用户设置的气管内插管或气管切开插管的气囊压力进行持续测量和自动维持 (IntelliCuff 自动模式并非在所有市场均有提供c​)。

高流量鼻导管治疗。 适用于通气专家


容积二氧化碳图。 适用于 CO2ntrol 狂热爱好者


呼吸机状态面板。 适用于准备撤机者

通气状态面板显示与病人的呼吸机依赖性相关的六个参数,包括氧合状态、CO2 清除状态和病人活动。


快速撤机。 适用于独立思考者

快速撤机是 INTELLiVENT-ASV 模式的一个功能,其可提供对病人状况的持续动态监测和控制,从而评估病人是否适于拔管。

自动 SBT。 适用于自主呼吸者

自动自主呼吸试验 (SBT) 是 INTELLiVENT-ASV 模式中快速撤机功能的一部分,并为您提供执行全控型 SBT 的选项。

动态肺面板。 使用目视监测者


  • 顺应性和阻力
  • 病人触发
  • 氧饱和度
  • 脉率

可配置的环图和趋势图。 适用于统计员



脉搏血氧计。 适用于氧饱和度热衷者



高性能无创通气。 适用于面罩佩戴者

无创通气模式提供压力支持流速切换的自主呼吸(NIV 和 NIV-ST 模式)和压力控制时间切换的指令呼吸 (NIV-ST)。


nCPAP 模式。 适用于小病人

nCPAP 模式的设计使您仅需设置期望的持续气道正压。之后,根据病人状况和潜在漏气调整流速。这就防止了意外峰值压力的产生,保证了高效的漏气补偿,并帮助减少了氧气消耗。由于压力测量灵敏度很高,流速的调整非常迅速。



预组装。 且可直接使用


我们的所有基本耗材都专门为保证制造商质量的 Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司呼吸机开发。


减少人工操作。 更适应您的病人



适应性支持通气 (ASV) 是一种根据病人的肺力学指标和呼吸用力连续适应呼吸频率、潮气量和吸气时间的通气模式。研究表明,ASV 可缩短各种人群的机械通气时间,而且手动设置更少 (Kirakli C, Naz I, Ediboglu O, Tatar D, Budak A, Tellioglu E. A randomized controlled trial comparing the ventilation duration between adaptive support ventilation and pressure assist/control ventilation in medical patients in the ICU.Chest.2015;147(6):1503-1509. doi:10.1378/chest.14-25991​, Tam MK, Wong WT, Gomersall CD, et al.A randomized controlled trial of 2 protocols for weaning cardiac surgical patients receiving adaptive support ventilation.J Crit Care.2016;33:163-168. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.01.0182​, Zhu F, Gomersall CD, Ng SK, Underwood MJ, Lee A. A randomized controlled trial of adaptive support ventilation mode to wean patients after fast-track cardiac valvular surgery.Anesthesiology.2015;122(4):832-840. doi:10.1097/ALN.00000000000005893​).

IntelliSync+ 至少每秒一百次连续分析波形信号。这使 IntelliSync+ 可以立即检测病人用力情况,并实时启动吸气和呼气,因此替代传统的吸气和呼气触发设置。


IntelliCuff 通过连续测量和自动维持所设置的成人、儿童和新生儿病人的气囊压力,安全管理病人的气道 (Chenelle CT, Oto J, Sulemanji D, Fisher DF, Kacmarek RM.Evaluation of an automated endotracheal tube cuff controller during simulated mechanical ventilation.Respir Care.2015;60(2):183-190. doi:10.4187/respcare.033878)。


帮助随手可得! 屏幕上关于故障排除的帮助内容




撤离呼吸机! 实施撤机方案的工具



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不断革新。 扩展您的呼吸机的能力


Hamilton 通气家族 Hamilton 通气家族

识一而知全部。 通用用户界面

无论用于 ICU、MRI 科室或病人转运,所有 Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司呼吸机的用户界面操作方式均相同。






所有 Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司原装产品旨在与 Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司呼吸机配合提供最佳性能。为确保最大用户满意度和病人安全,我们努力符合最高的质量和安全标准。

与我们的专家交流。 讨论您的需求



  1. 1. Kirakli C, Naz I, Ediboglu O, Tatar D, Budak A, Tellioglu E. A randomized controlled trial comparing the ventilation duration between adaptive support ventilation and pressure assist/control ventilation in medical patients in the ICU. Chest. 2015;147(6):1503-1509. doi:10.1378/chest.14-2599
  2. 2. Tam MK, Wong WT, Gomersall CD, et al. A randomized controlled trial of 2 protocols for weaning cardiac surgical patients receiving adaptive support ventilation. J Crit Care. 2016;33:163-168. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.01.018
  3. 3. Zhu F, Gomersall CD, Ng SK, Underwood MJ, Lee A. A randomized controlled trial of adaptive support ventilation mode to wean patients after fast-track cardiac valvular surgery. Anesthesiology. 2015;122(4):832-840. doi:10.1097/ALN.0000000000000589
  4. 8. Chenelle CT, Oto J, Sulemanji D, Fisher DF, Kacmarek RM. Evaluation of an automated endotracheal tube cuff controller during simulated mechanical ventilation. Respir Care. 2015;60(2):183-190. doi:10.4187/respcare.03387


  1. 100. Dhand R. New frontiers in aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation. Respir Care. 2004;49(6):666-677.
  2. 101. Waldrep JC, Dhand R. Advanced nebulizer designs employing vibrating mesh/aperture plate technologies for aerosol generation. Curr Drug Deliv. 2008;5(2):114-119. doi:10.2174/156720108783954815
  3. 104. Baedorf Kassis E, Loring SH, Talmor D. Should we titrate peep based on end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure?-yes. Ann Transl Med. 2018;6(19):390. doi:10.21037/atm.2018.06.35


  • a. 并非在所有市场均有提供
  • b. 仅适用于 HAMILTON-C6/G5/S1
  • c. IntelliCuff 自动模式并非在所有市场均有提供


  • e. HAMILTON-H900 不适用于转运
  • f. 也称为高流量氧疗。此术语可与高流量鼻导管治疗互换使用。

A randomized controlled trial comparing the ventilation duration between adaptive support ventilation and pressure assist/control ventilation in medical patients in the ICU.

Kirakli C, Naz I, Ediboglu O, Tatar D, Budak A, Tellioglu E. A randomized controlled trial comparing the ventilation duration between adaptive support ventilation and pressure assist/control ventilation in medical patients in the ICU. Chest. 2015;147(6):1503-1509. doi:10.1378/chest.14-2599


Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) is a closed loop mode of mechanical ventilation (MV) that provides a target minute ventilation by automatically adapting inspiratory pressure and respiratory rate with the minimum work of breathing on the part of the patient. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ASV on total MV duration when compared with pressure assist/control ventilation.


Adult medical patients intubated and mechanically ventilated for > 24 h in a medical ICU were randomized to either ASV or pressure assist/control ventilation. Sedation and medical treatment were standardized for each group. Primary outcome was the total MV duration. Secondary outcomes were the weaning duration, number of manual settings of the ventilator, and weaning success rates.


Two hundred twenty-nine patients were included. Median MV duration until weaning, weaning duration, and total MV duration were significantly shorter in the ASV group (67 [43-94] h vs 92 [61-165] h, P = .003; 2 [2-2] h vs 2 [2-80] h, P = .001; and 4 [2-6] days vs 4 [3-9] days, P = .016, respectively). Patients in the ASV group required fewer total number of manual settings on the ventilator to reach the desired pH and Paco2 levels (2 [1-2] vs 3 [2-5], P < .001). The number of patients extubated successfully on the first attempt was significantly higher in the ASV group (P = .001). Weaning success and mortality at day 28 were comparable between the two groups.


In medical patients in the ICU, ASV may shorten the duration of weaning and total MV duration with a fewer number of manual ventilator settings.


ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT01472302; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov.

A randomized controlled trial of 2 protocols for weaning cardiac surgical patients receiving adaptive support ventilation.

Tam MK, Wong WT, Gomersall CD, et al. A randomized controlled trial of 2 protocols for weaning cardiac surgical patients receiving adaptive support ventilation. J Crit Care. 2016;33:163-168. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.01.018


This study aims to compare the effectiveness of weaning with adaptive support ventilation (ASV) incorporating progressively reduced or constant target minute ventilation in the protocol in postoperative care after cardiac surgery.


A randomized controlled unblinded study of 52 patients after elective coronary artery bypass surgery was carried out to determine whether a protocol incorporating a decremental target minute ventilation (DTMV) results in more rapid weaning of patients ventilated in ASV mode compared to a protocol incorporating a constant target minute ventilation.


Median duration of mechanical ventilation (145 vs 309 minutes; P = .001) and intubation (225 vs 423 minutes; P = .005) were significantly shorter in the DTMV group. There was no difference in adverse effects (42% vs 46%) or mortality (0% vs 0%) between the 2 groups.


Use of a DTMV protocol for postoperative ventilation of cardiac surgical patients in ASV mode results in a shorter duration of ventilation and intubation without evidence of increased risk of adverse effects.

A randomized controlled trial of adaptive support ventilation mode to wean patients after fast-track cardiac valvular surgery.

Zhu F, Gomersall CD, Ng SK, Underwood MJ, Lee A. A randomized controlled trial of adaptive support ventilation mode to wean patients after fast-track cardiac valvular surgery. Anesthesiology. 2015;122(4):832-840. doi:10.1097/ALN.0000000000000589


Adaptive support ventilation can speed weaning after coronary artery surgery compared with protocolized weaning using other modes. There are no data to support this mode of weaning after cardiac valvular surgery. Furthermore, control group weaning times have been long, suggesting that the results may reflect control group protocols that delay weaning rather than a real advantage of adaptive support ventilation.


Randomized (computer-generated sequence and sealed opaque envelopes), parallel-arm, unblinded trial of adaptive support ventilation versus physician-directed weaning after adult fast-track cardiac valvular surgery. The primary outcome was duration of mechanical ventilation. Patients aged 18 to 80 yr without significant renal, liver, or lung disease or severe impairment of left ventricular function undergoing uncomplicated elective valve surgery were eligible. Care was standardized, except postoperative ventilation. In the adaptive support ventilation group, target minute ventilation and inspired oxygen concentration were adjusted according to blood gases. A spontaneous breathing trial was carried out when the total inspiratory pressure of 15 cm H2O or less with positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O. In the control group, the duty physician made all ventilatory decisions.


Median duration of ventilation was statistically significantly shorter (P = 0.013) in the adaptive support ventilation group (205 [141 to 295] min, n = 30) than that in controls (342 [214 to 491] min, n = 31). Manual ventilator changes and alarms were less common in the adaptive support ventilation group, and arterial blood gas estimations were more common.


Adaptive support ventilation reduces ventilation time by more than 2 h in patients who have undergone fast-track cardiac valvular surgery while reducing the number of manual ventilator changes and alarms.

Evaluation of an automated endotracheal tube cuff controller during simulated mechanical ventilation.

Chenelle CT, Oto J, Sulemanji D, Fisher DF, Kacmarek RM. Evaluation of an automated endotracheal tube cuff controller during simulated mechanical ventilation. Respir Care. 2015;60(2):183-190. doi:10.4187/respcare.03387


Maintaining endotracheal tube cuff pressure within a narrow range is an important factor in patient care. The goal of this study was to evaluate the IntelliCuff against the manual technique for maintaining cuff pressure during simulated mechanical ventilation with and without movement.


The IntelliCuff was compared to the manual technique of a manometer and syringe. Two independent studies were performed during mechanical ventilation: part 1, a 2-h trial incorporating continuous mannikin head movement; and part 2, an 8-h trial using a stationary trachea model. We set cuff pressure to 25 cm H2O, PEEP to 10 cm H2O, and peak inspiratory pressures to 20, 30, and 40 cm H2O. Clinical importance was defined as both statistically significant (P<.05) and clinically significant (pressure change [Δ]>10%).


In part 1, the change in cuff pressure from before to after ventilation was clinically important for the manual technique (P<.001, Δ=-39.6%) but not for the IntelliCuff (P=.02, Δ=3.5%). In part 2, the change in cuff pressure from before to after ventilation was clinically important for the manual technique (P=.004, Δ=-14.39%) but not for the IntelliCuff (P=.20, Δ=5.65%).


There was a clinically important drop in manually set cuff pressure during simulated mechanical ventilation in a stationary model and an even larger drop with movement, but this was significantly reduced by the IntelliCuff in both scenarios. Additionally, we observed that cuff pressure varied directly with inspiratory airway pressure for both techniques, leading to elevated average cuff pressures.

New frontiers in aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation.

Dhand R. New frontiers in aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation. Respir Care. 2004;49(6):666-677.

The scientific basis for inhalation therapy in mechanically-ventilated patients is now firmly established. A variety of new devices that deliver drugs to the lung with high efficiency could be employed for drug delivery during mechanical ventilation. Encapsulation of drugs within liposomes could increase the amount of drug delivered, prolong the effect of a dose, and minimize adverse effects. With improved inhalation devices and surfactant formulations, inhaled surfactant could be employed for several indications in mechanically-ventilated patients. Research is unraveling the causes of some disorders that have been poorly understood, and our improved understanding of the causal mechanisms of various respiratory disorders will provide new applications for inhaled therapies.

Advanced nebulizer designs employing vibrating mesh/aperture plate technologies for aerosol generation.

Waldrep JC, Dhand R. Advanced nebulizer designs employing vibrating mesh/aperture plate technologies for aerosol generation. Curr Drug Deliv. 2008;5(2):114-119. doi:10.2174/156720108783954815

Recent technological advances and improved nebulizer designs have overcome many limitations of jet nebulizers. Newer devices employ a vibrating mesh or aperture plate (VM/AP) for the generation of therapeutic aerosols with consistent, increased efficiency, predominant aerosol fine particle fractions, low residuals, and the ability to nebulize even microliter volumes. These enhancements are achieved through several different design features and include improvements that promote patient compliance, such as compact design, portability, shorter treatment durations, and quiet operation. Current VM/AP devices in clinical use are the Omron MicroAir, the Nektar Aeroneb, and the Pari eFlow. However, some devices are only approved for use with specific medications. Development of "smart nebulizers" such as the Respironics I-neb couple VM technologies with coordinated delivery and optimized inhalation patterns to enhance inhaled drug delivery of specialized, expensive formulations. Ongoing development of advanced aerosol technologies should improve clinical outcomes and continue to expand therapeutic options as newer inhaled drugs become available.

Should we titrate peep based on end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure?-yes.

Baedorf Kassis E, Loring SH, Talmor D. Should we titrate peep based on end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure?-yes. Ann Transl Med. 2018;6(19):390. doi:10.21037/atm.2018.06.35

Ventilator management of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has been characterized by implementation of basic physiology principles by minimizing harmful distending pressures and preventing lung derecruitment. Such strategies have led to significant improvements in outcomes. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is an important part of a lung protective strategy but there is no standardized method to set PEEP level. With widely varying types of lung injury, body habitus and pulmonary mechanics, the use of esophageal manometry has become important for personalization and optimization of mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS. Esophageal manometry estimates pleural pressures, and can be used to differentiate the chest wall and lung (transpulmonary) contributions to the total respiratory system mechanics. Elevated pleural pressures may result in negative transpulmonary pressures at end expiration, leading to lung collapse. Measuring the esophageal pressures and adjusting PEEP to make transpulmonary pressures positive can decrease atelectasis, derecruitment of lung, and cyclical opening and closing of airways and alveoli, thus optimizing lung mechanics and oxygenation. Although there is some spatial and positional artifact, esophageal pressures in numerous animal and human studies in healthy, obese and critically ill patients appear to be a good estimate for the "effective" pleural pressure. Multiple studies have illustrated the benefit of using esophageal pressures to titrate PEEP in patients with obesity and with ARDS. Esophageal pressure monitoring provides a window into the unique physiology of a patient and helps improve clinical decision making at the bedside.