
使用跨肺压监测设置 PEEP


作者: Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司

日期: 11.09.2017

Last change: 28.07.2023

Transpulmonary pressure measurement changed to monitoring

病人进行机械通气时的最大挑战之一是找到呼气末正压 (PEEP) 的正确设置。通过使用跨肺压监测来区分肺压和胸壁分压,这项任务可以变得更容易。

使用跨肺压监测设置 PEEP


能够区分肺压和胸壁分压有助于设置最佳 PEEP,定义安全的驱动压力和平台压范围,以及滴定和优化肺复张操作。但当在气道开口处测量的压力无法用于准确评估施加于肺部的应力和张力时,如何能够区分他们呢?区分他们的一个简单方法是通过使用食道压测量。气道压力减去吸气末或呼气末闭塞期间测量的食道压,即为跨肺压,其代表肺部的真实扩张压力。

Hamilton Medical 哈美顿医疗公司呼吸机上的跨肺压监测

跨肺压监测在 HAMILTON‑G5/S1( 在美国和某些其他市场不提供A​)和 HAMILTON-C6 呼吸机上提供,这些呼吸机配备了一个连接食道导管的辅助端口。食道导管通过鼻孔插入胃,然后撤回食道,气囊位于食道下三分之一处。在呼吸机显示屏上,只需切换到四个波形设置,下面的两个波形将显示食道压和跨肺压。您可以冻结屏幕以读取值。


在急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (ARDS) 病人中,可以设置 PEEP,从而在呼气末达到 0 至 5 cmH2O 的跨肺压,目的是防止远端气道和肺泡反复打开和关闭引起的不张性肺损伤。跨肺压监测也可用于设置 ARDS 病人的潮气量和吸气压力,并与 P/V Tool® 一起评估肺的可复张性和进行肺复张操作。 

下面的视频向您展示了如何在 HAMILTON‑G5 呼吸机上使用跨肺压监测设置 PEEP。

Accurately setting PEEP with transpulmonary pressure

Watch this short demonstration to learn how to use transpulmonary pressure measurement to set PEEP in mechanically ventilated patients more accurately.

跨肺压。 更好地了解呼吸系统力学指标

跨肺压监测可优化 PEEP、潮气量和吸气压力(Baedorf Kassis E, Loring SH, Talmor D. Should we titrate peep based on end‑expiratory transpulmonary pressure?‑yes. Ann Transl Med. 2018;6(19):390. doi:10.21037/atm.2018.06.351​) 

Related articles. Get a deeper look

Should we titrate peep based on end‑expiratory transpulmonary pressure?‑yes.

Baedorf Kassis E, Loring SH, Talmor D. Should we titrate peep based on end‑expiratory transpulmonary pressure?‑yes. Ann Transl Med. 2018;6(19):390. doi:10.21037/atm.2018.06.35

Ventilator management of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has been characterized by implementation of basic physiology principles by minimizing harmful distending pressures and preventing lung derecruitment. Such strategies have led to significant improvements in outcomes. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is an important part of a lung protective strategy but there is no standardized method to set PEEP level. With widely varying types of lung injury, body habitus and pulmonary mechanics, the use of esophageal manometry has become important for personalization and optimization of mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS. Esophageal manometry estimates pleural pressures, and can be used to differentiate the chest wall and lung (transpulmonary) contributions to the total respiratory system mechanics. Elevated pleural pressures may result in negative transpulmonary pressures at end expiration, leading to lung collapse. Measuring the esophageal pressures and adjusting PEEP to make transpulmonary pressures positive can decrease atelectasis, derecruitment of lung, and cyclical opening and closing of airways and alveoli, thus optimizing lung mechanics and oxygenation. Although there is some spatial and positional artifact, esophageal pressures in numerous animal and human studies in healthy, obese and critically ill patients appear to be a good estimate for the "effective" pleural pressure. Multiple studies have illustrated the benefit of using esophageal pressures to titrate PEEP in patients with obesity and with ARDS. Esophageal pressure monitoring provides a window into the unique physiology of a patient and helps improve clinical decision making at the bedside.